Our Services
IT services for all your business needs
As a Technology service provider, we are tasked with the role of ensuring all your IT needs are looked after under the one umbrella. In this fast paced and ever changing world of new products, constant updates and security threats, you need to partner with a team who know your challenges, understand your requirements and are constantly on the lookout to improve the way you do business.
Constant Monitoring
Our monitoring agents never sleep. They report back to our operations centre every 5 minutes to keep us updated on how your environment is running.
Remediation of issues are often completed before you even know something is wrong, all through our heavily customised automation processes.
Pro-Active Maintenance
Maintenance activities is a building block of reliable, efficient and secure IT systems. We take charge of this task, mostly through automation, and ensure it is done in a timely and suitable manner.
Strategic Business Reviews
Our Strategic Business Reviews are a comprehensive report of your current IT environment with a list of ‘Best Practice’ recommendations to ensure your organisation is utilising the best systems and processes that we have learned from our experience working with many other companies and through our continual education of our staff.
The best part is that these reports are included as part of our monitoring, maintenance and support agreements.